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TART workshops

A TART workshop is a week-long workshop where the participants build a TART telescope, and are taught how it works by experts in the field of radio astronomy. The team for a TART workshop usually consists of some members of the TART project, as well as others who have attended previous TART workshops. The goal is to leave behind a working telescope, and relationships between insitutions that can lead to joint supervision of research students as well as welcoming new members into the TART community.

At the moment, hosting a TART workshop is the easiest way to get a TART telescope.

Typical Schedule

MorningIntroduction to radio astronomy, TART-overviewImaging Basics, Visibilities & FringesArray CalibrationUsing CASAProject Ideas
AfternoonThe ArrayAssembling the electronicsCalibrating the arrayChanging the array layoutClosing and next steps

By the end of the week there is a working TART telescope at the host institution, as well as a relationship between the

How is one organized

At the moment, the first two workshops have been held, and new workshops are being organized in several countries, funded by SARAO. In addition a TART workshop is planned to be held Malta for November 2024. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, contact the TART project team. Holding workshops will get easier over time as we build up the community of people who have attended previous workshops.