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Single-board Computer

This is a Raspberry pi 3/4 or a Quartz64 computer with a standard 40-pin I/O connector. The basic installation steps are:

  • Install base OS (no user interface needed)
  • Create a user called tart sudo adduser tart
  • Enable the SPI interface (this is done using raspi_config on an rPi, and modprobe spi_rockchip on the Quartz64.

Install some packages

The following packages are needed to continue with the install. Mostly this is docker.

sudo apt install curl docker-compose git sudo usermod -a -G tart docker

Install TailScale

The TART single board computers are connected to a global network curl -fsSL | sh sudo tailscale up

Install the TART operating software.

This software contains the API server and the necessary code to communicate to the telescope electronics using the SPI interface.

git clone cd sbc_code/software docker-compose -f docker-compose-telescope.yml build

Connecting to your telescope locally

If you telescope has an IP address on your network (i.e., x.x.x.x) then you can connect directly to it via a web browser



You should see a web interface... If the image looks like a clock (showing the current time in UTC), then the TART can't communicate with it's correlator.