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Here is some TART terminology which we'll try and use consitently in the TART documentation.

  • single-integration - a single set of visibility measurements consisting of one visibility per baseline.
  • shapshot - a single set of visibility measurements made at over a short time interval. For the TART this might be a single-integration, or it could be a collection of single-integrations.
  • field - In a measurement this seems to be a point in the sky which is the phase center of an shapshot? Is field just the name for the phase -center of a shapshot?
  • observation - a group of snapshots with a common phase center (see rephasing).
  • rephasing - the process of creating a new phase center for a snapshot. This essentially steers the TART telescope so that the centre of the image is at a known location. See [tart2ms] for details on rephasing
  • epoch - This word should be avoided. It usually means a time-span, but has many many uses, and is often fairly ambiguous.
